Phuong Quach
I am based in: Alameda, California (it's a small island just outside of Oakland)
My strengths are: making connections, building genuine relationships, creating meaningful spaces for community, hosting dinner parties, singing karaoke endlessly, and doing the splits
I identify as: daughter, mother, sister, partner, Vietnamese American, social, active, foodie
Phuong Quach joined NPAG in 2023 and brings to our work a deep commitment to power of community and networks, as well as a unique understanding of the landscape of challenges and assets in the field of philanthropy. In her most recent role at Northern California Grantmakers as VP of Member Engagement, she oversaw membership, programmatic and collaborative work, and helped to shape and strengthen NCG's strategic focus on addressing inequities, supporting the vibrancy and sustainability of our region, and tending to the dynamic and diverse people in our philanthropic community. She was previously the Membership Director at Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy (AAPIP) and a co-founder of AAPIP’s Hella Heart Oakland Giving Circle.
She is a first-generation college graduate that benefited from Head Start and Affirmative Action programs and policies. She received a BA with a double major in Urban Studies and Anthropology from Macalester College and a Master in Public Administration from CUNY as a National Urban Fellow. As an extrovert, she is always curious to meet and connect with people. She was born in Vietnam and raised in Minnesota.
More About Phuong
Is there a quote that inspires you? If you want to go fast, go alone. “f you want to go far, go together.
What lasting change do you want your work to have? Support passionate leaders to create meaningful impact and help organizations thrive.
If you could give a 10-minute presentation on any subject, what would it be? How to quickly put together a dinner party when you have nothing in the fridge.
What’s the number one priority for your lifetime? Living to my fullest potential and teaching my daughter to do the same.