Tamar Datan
Senior Advisor
I am based in: Virginia and North Carolina
My strengths are: Avid listener, enthusiastic collaborator, passionate about empowering people, diverse employment experience, dedicated board member, endlessly curious about people and causes.
I identify as: People loving white lesbian, Jewish Unitarian Universalist, dedicated family member, privileged east coaster, empath, optimist, social justice warrior, dedicated environmentalist.
Tamar joined NPAG as Senior Advisor in 2015, and has built a practice that mirrors her prior three decades in the nonprofit sector: working predominantly in the education, philanthropy, and conservation fields, with a focus on advancing economic opportunity, health, access, equity, and innovation. In recent years, she has deepened her engagement with the disability justice movement and hopes to help build and diversify leadership in the LGBTQ space.
Before joining NPAG, Tamar served as program manager, officer, director, VP, EVP, and ED in a series of nonprofits ranging in size and scope, from $6B to pure startup, local to global. In these roles, she was fortunate to be part of exceptional teams at Lesley University, the University of Massachusetts, The Pew Charitable Trusts, The Nature Conservancy, the Amazon Conservation Team, and others.
In addition to diverse day jobs,
Tamar has served on 15 nonprofit boards and public service commissions (chairing six of them) in the areas of education, conservation, economic development, housing, community engagement, and social justice. She currently serves on the boards of All Ages Read Together and Generations for Peace while leading stewardship and earth justice work at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Loudoun.
A native of Jerusalem, Israel, Tamar also spent her childhood in Illinois, West Virginia, and Indiana, before earning a B.A. from Swarthmore College and an M.Ed. from Harvard University. These days, she and her Irish-Palestinian wife split their time between a farm in northern Virginia and a cottage in North Carolina. She loves being out in nature, camping, films, books, animals (dogs especially), kind people, and doing what she can to make the world a better place.
More About Tamar
Is there a quote that inspires you? This too shall pass.
What lasting change do you want your work to have? Making other people’s lives better and the planet more sustainable.
If you could give a 10-minute presentation on any subject, what would it be? Writing a screenplay.
What’s the number one priority for your lifetime? Being of service to others.